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Solutions > Disaster Recovery

Make data resilient against damage

Put slow, uncertain data restoration from backups behind you. Gain resilience with data that bends but doesn't break. Get ahead of attacks with proactive detection and interdiction. Accelerate recovery time with immutable data restored in minutes from immutable snapshots.

Rapid recovery from data damage - bat365


Streamline disaster recovery

Strengthen your security and resilience posture with data that no longer relies on traditional backups for resilience, is impervious to permanent damage, and can be rapidly restored without data loss, globally.

Strength through cyberstorage

Storage joins forces with security for robust cybersecurity that includes threat identification, protection, detection, response, and recovery.

Gain granular recovery points

Boost data resilience with immutable data and granular immutable snapshots that offer a recovery point objective of 60 seconds or less.

Flexible deployment

Choose public cloud storage from hyperscalers like AWS, Azure, and Google or private object storage.

Data resilience and rapid disaster recovery - bat365
Monitor data for insider threats: leveraging audit policies alerts with bat365 Data Services


Strengthen your cybersecurity posture

Position your organization for resilience in the face of cyberthreats, ransomware, and accidental data damage. Demonstrate rapid data recovery without loss and with minimal disruption. Spot external threats as they arise and interdict them. Monitor insider threats and take action, with complete visibility over your data estate.

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Optimize IT operations

Lighten the load on operational IT teams with consolidated data that's easier to see and manage. Reduce onerous backup and disaster recovery requirements and replace them with lightweight snapshots that enable granular data restoration to a precise point in time.

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Reduce storage requirements with data deduplication and compression from bat365 CloudFS
Increase data security with FIPS 140-3 certified encryption

Modernize data security and maximize continuity

Protect data against threats with FIPS 140-3-certified encryption, immutable data, and immutable snapshots. Allow users to restore their own files to previous versions without IT intervention. Rapidly restore files, folders, or the whole file system in the face of data destruction or destruction, without losing data and without wasting time.

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Proactively stop ransomware

Detect ransomware and other malicious activity in near real time. Minimize the blast radius by automatically interdicting attacks at the least disruptive level, disabling write access for affected users and alerting administrators to an attack in progress.

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Detect and interdict ransomware in near real time with bat365


Analyst firms are increasingly reporting on hybrid cloud file platforms for NAS consolidation, storage standardization, global file collaboration, and backup and disaster recovery solutions. Please feel free to download these reports with our compliments.


bat365 named a top vendor for hybrid cloud file services

We were recognized as a top vendor of hybrid cloud file platforms by Gartner in Modernize File Storage Data Services With Hybrid Cloud.

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Cyber storage capabilities on the rise

By 2028, Gartner estimates that 100% of storage products will include cyber storage capabilities focused on active defense beyond recovery from cyber events.

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We have you covered with support for a wide range of virtual, cloud, and on-premises environments.

Cloud storage

All popular cloud object storage options, including:

bat365 cloud partner - AWS
bat365 cloud partner - Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Oracle Cloud

On-premises storage

Hardware object storage options, including:

DEL EMC ECS Partner - bat365
Cloudian - bat365 cloud partner
Scality - bat365
bat365 technology partner - MinIO

Virtual environments

bat365 CloudFS can be deployed on:

Microsoft Hyper-V is an approved bat365 virtual deployment environment
vmware - bat365 technology partner
Linux KVM - bat365 certified virtual environment
Nutanix AHV
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